17 Tips and 7 Exercises to Set Goals For Life and Business

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In business and in life, your results will only be as concrete as the goals you set. That’s why Brian Tracy and we at FocalPoint Business Coaching & Training emphasize goal setting for every area of your life and business. Here are 17 tips for setting those goals, along with 7 quick exercises to get you started.

Tip 1. Set clear, specific goals in the 3 key areas.

Those areas are family, career, and professional development

Tip 2. You need 4 crucial things to set a clear goal in any area.

Those things are: a clear definition of the thing to be accomplished, a clear measure of how you will know when the goal has been accomplished, a plan to get to the goal, and a timeline for it.

Tip 3. Your life will become great when you decide on your major purpose.

What’s your single most important goal in life? What would you do if you had unlimited money? Those questions will lead you to your major purpose.

Tip 4. The ability to set and meet goals is the #1 key to success in life.

A person who concentrates on reaching one goal at a time can accomplish much more than a person who tries to handle everything as it comes up.

Tip 5. Set the goal of increasing your productivity at work.

Figure out exactly what results you are expected to accomplish; then exceed them.

Tip 6. Identify your Key Result Areas (KRAs).

These are time-bounded, trackable things you must accomplish to succeed in your position.

Tip 7. Identify your core functions in your job.

Focus on high-value activities that contribute measurable value to your company.

Tip 8. Identify your most important output responsibilities.

These are measurable results that others depend on, which you can complete on your own.

Tip 9. Identify your top high-value customers.

These are the customers who could sustain your business all on their own. Focus on them.

Tip 10. Follow the 6 steps to setting and achieving goals.

They are:

  • make a list of your goals,
  • set priorities on the list,
  • create plans for your top-priority goals,
  • set priorities on the plans,
  • schedule your plans,
  • and then take action immediately.

Tip 11. Set different goals for different time periods.

Prioritize goals for this month, for these six months, for this year, and for the next five years.

Tip 12. Pinpoint the obstacles between you and your goal.

Why haven’t you achieved your goal so far? Eliminate those reasons from your life.

Tip 13. Identify the people and organizations who will help you achieve your goal.

It’s much easier to achieve a goal with others’ help. Who can help, and why would they want to?

Tip 14. Figure out what you will need to know to achieve each goal.

Start studying up on those knowledge bases and skills.

Tip 15. Identify your bottleneck on the road to each goal.

Concentrate single-mindedly on removing that obstacle.

Tip 16. The greater your clarity about your goals, the more likely you will be to achieve them.

Identify precisely what you want to accomplish, what’s stopping you, and how to fix it.

Tip 17. Let your imagination run big.

The more passionate you are about your goal, the more likely you will be able to achieve it.

Exercise 1. Ask, “What are my top 3 career goals right now?”

Exercise 2. Ask, “What are my top 3 life and family goals right now?”

Exercise 3. Ask, “What are my top 3 professional development goals right now?”

Exercise 4. Ask, “What are my top 3 goals, in any category, right now?”

Exercise 5. Ask, “What specific results have I been hired to accomplish?”

Exercise 6. Ask, “What are the 3 biggest obstacles between me and my top goal?”

Exercise 7. Ask, “What new skill will I need to achieve my top goal?”

As Brian Tracy says, once you have answered these questions, you will be well on your way to understanding the steps to setting your goals in professional development, life, and your career.


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